Christopher Wren’s Cosmos

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22 Feb 2023
Gresham College
Gresham College


Sir Christopher Wren was one of the most remarkable Gresham Professors of Astronomy. Though best known today as the architectural mastermind behind the rebuilding of London after the Great Fire, Wren’s appointment to the Gresham chair in 1657 stemmed from his enthusiasm for turning his gaze well above London’s skyline and focussing his attention on the heavens above.

This lecture from Professor Katherine Blundell will consider Wren’s contributions to astronomy and how Wren’s appreciation of and contributions to art and design, and science and engineering, were fully integrated in his life and made him a polymath on a par with Leonardo da Vinci.

Katherine Blundell is a Professor of Astrophysics at Oxford University and a Research Fellow at St John’s College.