Special Choral Evensong on the 300th Anniversary of Sir Christopher Wren’s death

Church Service
25 Feb 2023
5:00pm - 6:00pm
St Paul’s Cathedral
St Paul’s Cathedral
Join us for a special service of Evensong to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Sir Christopher’s Wren death on this day in 1723.
The service features specially selected readings, prayers and music, including pieces composed by John Blow (1649-1708), who served at St Paul’s as Master of the Choristers when the Cathedral was being built, and by Michael Wise (c1648-1687) who was both Almoner and Master of the Choristers at St Paul’s.
What can I expect?
This service is led by the choir, who sing responses, canticles, an anthem, and the psalms set for the day on our behalf, allowing us to experience the beauty of the music in this iconic setting. There are some readings from the Bible, and prayers are said for the Church, the World and ourselves.
You do not have to be familiar with the service – when you enter, you can pick up an easy-to-follow order of service, which will guide you through each part.
Visit our guidance on attending services at St Paul’s for more information on what to expect: https://www.stpauls.co.uk/attending-st-pauls-service
Free to attend and unticketed.