Wren and Greenwich: A Celebratory SAHGB Study Day and Walking Tour
Led by David McKinstry and accompanied by a range of highly-regarded experts, we will take a group to explore Wren’s work on foot, examining the context of royal connections to Greenwich, institutional and political functions and the later uses of sites and buildings. This is a day-long walking tour, with visits to several sites and lunch at the Trafalgar Tavern. It gives a rare opportunity to study original early 19th century plans for the town centre.
This promises to be a highly engaging and comprehensive day which, although focusing on Wren, takes in the work of other artists and architects of this unique area and has much to offer anyone interested in the history of Greenwich and the architecture of the seventeenth-nineteenth centuries.
Places are limited to 40 and must be booked in advance at www.sahgb.org.uk/whatson